AtmaKala means SoulTime

Welcome to AtmaKala
We at AtmaKala have made it our mission to accompany others in their process of self- realisation.
The faster each of us steps into true power and recognizes his/her purpose here,
The faster each soul takes his/her place in the “big picture”,
the faster we will create a Golden Future together.
The foundation of our work is based on the universal wisdom of the Siddhas.
Siddhas are perfected beings who have attained the highest consciousness and work for the balance in the universe.
Sriraman is connected to the 19 Siddhas and teaches us this knowledge.
He also created very powerful alchemical formulas that can be used for various transformation processes.
Our work
- Birthsecret readings
- Crystals, gemstones, healing stones
- transformational tools
- Siddha alchemy and powerful bhasma
- Advice on all aspects of spiritual parenthood (before/ during/ after calling down a Soul)
- Atma Yoga – an effective technique to get rid of all old and unwanted patterns
- Coaching
- education on how to protect your energy
- energy transmissions
- Initiations and activations

Coachings/ Readings
Individual coaching in person or via Skype/telephone

Talks/ Seminars
Here you can find our current dates

Group Meetings
We meet in groups at irregular intervals to discuss specific or current topics
Contact us
Let’s hear from you 🙂