… the Soul Temple in Bremen Blumenthal – a universal place of transformation
The ATMA MANDIR (= Soul Temple) was built in 2016 on the grounds of the Ilse Eickhoff Academy in Bremen Blumenthal. It is a very special temple because it was created far far from mental planning..
The “blueprint” for the temple comes from Sriraman.
Or rather, nature worked through him. Sriraman is from South India and he dedicates his life and work to divine transformation on earth.
Everything he does is in harmony with nature. He says he is here to complete the work begun by many previous masters.
Sriraman’s work is not always tangible to many people, because it only begins where other work ends – far beyond the human mind.
For some people, this is a challenge or a test of patience.
Although at first glance it may appear that the temple is Hindu, the ATMA MANDIR has nothing to do with religion or any system/dogma and is rather a universal place of transformation!
Indian culture, especially Tamil culture is very ancient and people there have always known how to balance certain aspects of their lives and preserved this wisdom much better than many other parts of the world.
The ATMA MANDIR is one of the rare, so-called “Parihara Sthalams”.
These are very powerful places.
Not just a place of peace and/or prayer, but rather a place of healing, liberation and clearing of all kinds of (karmic) issues.
The ATMA MANDIR is a “recharging station” for our human being.
Here, many things – such as the 5 elements within us or our planetary influences – can be brought into balance and harmony.
If you would like to, please contact Dominic at least 1 week in advance to
find out your birth star and any other information you may need to have a beautiful stay.
You can then go directly to your birthstar in the temple and “get the blessing” there.
Your name, date, place and time of birth are required for this.
visit the official website of the Atma Mandir