Sriraman is directly connected to the Palm Leaf Library!

Sriraman is ONE with nature and knows its rules.
He dedicates his entire life and work to elevating humanity to a completely new, unprecedented level of consciousness.
He has the ability to communicate with different energies and makes them accessible to the world.
Discover your birth secret and find your path to inner fulfillment!
With the blessing Siddha Agastya
(the first Siddha and founder of the Palm Leaf Library), Sriraman has the ability to see the birth secret and the so-called blueprint of each individual.
He is a “Jiva Nadi”, which means “living palm leaf library”.
About 20 years ago, Sriraman received the “boon” (a special blessing) from Siddha Agastya that whenever people consult Sriraman,
Siddha Agastya personally stands in Sriraman’s consciousness and advises through him!
At this moment, he is your “mirror” and also sees what you are missing on your path to lasting perfection.
(success, love, health, consciousness, spirituality, wealth…) stands in the way.
He therefore knows who you really are and knows the purpose of your soul.
However, his main aim is not to tell you something about your past or your future – no,
He rather wants you to feel it deep inside yourself…
why you are here and what exactly your job is!
This is a process that he can set in motion or initiate in anyone who is ready for it by means of powerful instruments (e.g. pendants).
Under the guidance of Siddha Agastya, these instruments are individually handcrafted for each person and their birth secret.
The instruments are made from precious stones and a powerful ancient secret recipe based on Siddha Alchemy.
-> Production on request.
Sriraman’s work and instruments are based on the sacred knowledge of the Siddhas
(the lineage of the 19 Siddhas – beginning with Siddha Agastya, continuing up to the currently living Sri La Sri Maga Ananda Sittar).
Siddhas always work in harmony with nature and its laws.
The word “Siddha” means “he who is perfected” and refers to the great masters who have reached the highest degree of physical and spiritual perfection/enlightenment.
They all work for the benefit of humanity and balance in the universe.
Siddhas are completely independent of any system or religion.
You are ONE with nature.
Become who you really are
Become your own master
and live your destiny!
If you are ready for this, you can find here the current dates.